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Mood: beaten x_x
Listening to: Enigma – Sitting on the Moon
Current obsession: warmth salve

I came from very far
A little unknown star, hello.
I don’t know what to do
It is so cold and blue, without you.

I defintely seem to have the build of a victim.*lol* Had my first physiotherapy session today and…geeez! That guy really knows how to find my weak points. x_X I was lying on my stomache, unsuspecting, when he asked me: „Do you have problems with your shoulders as well?“ Me: „Hum, I don´t think soo—oooooAAAH!!“ o_O;;;
I bet my backside will be green and blue tomorrow…it hurts more than before. XD Thursday will be the next session…I hope the bruises will be gone then, otherwise I need…well…valium or something. XD
But the funny thing was, at the end of the session he rubbed me with a special ointment…warmth salve he called it. OMG, for about 5 minutes I had the feeling as if I was sitting in nettles, so hot and itchy and burning, ouch. >.< But then it began to feel all warm and nice, like a hot-water bottle on my back. :3 But my physiotherapist told me not to shower or bath for about 12 hours…because it could be a BIT hot, uh…*angst*

As you can see, I put up a new layout again. I´m still not allowed to do anything that includes lifting (e.g. cleaning up…but I want to!!>.<) or sitting oddly (e.g. writing…I was told that my writing position is very bad for my spine. v_v;;;;)…so I thought I could make a new layout. XD I tried out a few things and now the (*) starlets seem to work as well. ((^.^)/)

Hum…I still need to do some homework for my German class tomorrow, but…I´m just too tired. <_<;; I´ll ask my mother to wake me up and hour earlier tomorrow. XD *lazy*
I guess I´ll be still at home when the postman comes…and brings me the letter I´m longing for and afraid of at the same time…
I guess the next entry will be a depressive one again. u_U;;

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