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May is the birthday month

Mood: hot x.x
Listening to: Two-Mix – Rhythm Emotion
Current obsession: party, party <3

I just feel „Rhythm Emotion“
I just feel light forever and more
Only to be, I’m leading myself to brighter way out,
it’s so far away…

What´s wrong with May?*lol* Four people I know have their birthdays in May, so I literally don´t stop congratulating. XD Today is my father´s birthday. <3 Therefore my aunt and uncle came for a visit and we went to an Italian restaurant for meal. The food was tasty, but it was just sooo~ hot. x_x I can´t handle extreme temperatures that well, so I was happy when we could get home again.
Now aunt and uncle are gone and I have some free time before I have to get ready for pardeh~ this night. X3 I´m looking forward to go to the Rockhouse again… wasn´t able to do it during my a-levels. <3 And it´s Saturday, which means Classic Rock Music!! <3<3

Yesterday I had a job interview in order to get a new private lesson student… but when I left their house I even had TWO. XD Originally, it was planned that I teach the son of the family (8th grade), but then the mother told me that their daughter (7th grade) got a pink slip (funny translation for „Blauer Brief“, isn´t it?XD) and therefore needs some help, too. And because I will get 8 Euro per hour and child I agreed to take her as my student as well. I don´t think this will be a big problem, on the first glimpse they both seemed very nice and cute (especially the boy, he looks just like a Hobbit *squee* XD) and if they try hard to improve their Latin skills I´ll be glad. :3 We decided to meet every Thursday from 16:30 – 18:30, so I can handle the kids one after another. Will be a bit difficult, but I guess it could be a good practise for the teacher job. XD

On the 8th of May will be Iri´s birthday then. X3 Still have to prepare something for it~ And yes, Benny-Bunny, I also did not forget you – I already started to collect personality test results as you wished. XD Maybe I´ll find some Ice Age porn for you as well. *LOL* The 27th will be Steffi´s birthday then.

Iri, if you read this, I´ll be at your place around 8, kay? :3

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