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Error – Feet will explode in 5 seconds

Mood: tired
Listening to: Jewel – Good Day
Current obsession: resting my feet

It’s gonna be all right, no matter what they say
It’s gonna be a good day, just wait and see
It’s gonna be okay, cause I’m okay with me
It’s gonna be, it’s gonna be

God…can´t feel my feet anymore, neither my shoulders. XD This morning was terrible… so many things ran through my mind last night so I only slept for about 5 or 6 hours…too little sleep in my state. XD I felt quite miserable, but after running thorugh the cold air and sitting down in the train alongside with Mina and Terzia it got a bit better. We were all a bit tired, so the journey to Hamburg was…quiet. XD In Hamburg we had planned to visit a certain japanese bookstore, but Mina had forgot to print out the route AND the street/number….so we ran around without any orientation for about an hour or so…XD Then we decided to call my mother and ask her to look in the internet for a route…well, one hour later we got there. XD But the store was quite a disappointment: very small and VERY expensive. The contrast to Düsseldorf could hardly be starker, so I didn´t buy anything beside of a package of candy for the return journey.
Well, after that we ran around, searched for McDonalds, went into different stores and then decided to go home, because Hamburg is very boring. I knew so before and I don´t like the city, so I was happy to get home. I bought some mangas at the train station, so I can weasel out into my bed later this evening. XD

My mother picked me up at the station in Großburgwedel and together we visited my father in hospital. <3 He´s feeling much better now and tomorrow he´ll be allowed to sit in a wheelchair and drive around. :3 He seems to be a bit shocked about the fact that he had a heart attack…hopefully he´ll be sane enough and change his style of life, so anything like that won´t happen again so fastly…

I called the Edeka-Boss from the hospital and told him my decision not to take the job offer. His reaction was quite disappointing and unpolite in my opinion. He didn´t even let me finish my words and just said: „You don´t wanna? Fine. Bye then.-click-“ <,< Yeah, right….it´s easy being nice to potentional workers, but everyone else isn´t worth a minute of politeness, right. Says much about his character as a boss and person. I´m glad this chapter is over now.

Tomorrow will be…NOTHING! Time for drawing and playing computer games, yay! *-*

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