Quiz & Survey & Meme

Vorweihnachtliches Meme

Mal wieder ein Meme zur Unterhaltung meiner Leser und zur Anregung gewisser personen, auch mal wieder zu bloggen. XD Geklaut bei Sweet Gwen, die ich zwar nicht persönlich kenne, aber deren Meme mich fasziniert hat. *lol* Beware for the english fury~


+ Song Title Meme +

1. Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY in titles of their songs:


2. Are you male or female:

The Siren (?? XD)

3. Describe yourself:

High Hopes

4. How do some people feel about you:

Slaying the Dreamer

5. How do you feel about yourself:

Walking in the Air

6. Describe your ex-boyfriend/-girlfriend:

Away (o_O Oder auch: Niemals dagewesen)

7. Describe an imaginary boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse:

A nymphomaniac fantasia (XDD)

8. Describe where you want to be:

Return to the Sea

9. Describe how you live:

Over the hills and far away

10. Describe how you love:

Forever yours

11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish:

The Forever Moments

12. Share a few words of wisdom:

Bless the Child!

13. Now say goodbye:

Bye-Bye Beautiful

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